Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vegetable update....

The courgettes are coming along fine, especially the ones under the tunnel. The others are a lot slower as you would probably expect and have actually lost their larger leaves, but there is a lot of new growth coming through.

The celery has grown quite visibly since we first planted them out just seven days ago and are looking good so far.
It's only been five days since we put the spinach in so there is no sign of that yet, and today we've planted some peas (kelvedon wonder) and some dwarf beans (purple queen). We realise that time is getting on but we thought we'd take the chance with them anyway.
So we now have five types of veg in and we still plan to get some more stuff in over the coming weeks, namely, Japanese onions, chinese radish and some beetroot. Plus i've ordered some turnips, carrots and salad leaves off tinter web

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