It's about time for an update!!!
After getting well and truly stuck in, we left the plot all by itself for two weeks, mainly because of the rubbish weather, what a mistake that was, there are weeds every where!!!
We broke the hoe out and now it's not looking too bad. At least we have somewhere to put all the rubbish now as we have a half built compost bin. It was a very hot day though and I ended up getting mild sun burn.
As for the veg, well apart from being scorched, the potatoes and garlic look awesome and are coming along really well. The parsnips and carrots are coming along, but our rows are a bit sporadic as not everything has survived or come through. Our courgettes have suffered too and we've even lost a couple of plants.
The peas look great and we've now got a little wig-wam to support them. We've given up on the beans though, as with last year they're really poor and we've decided that we will use the bed for something else.
The salads leaves have 'rocketed' and our sunflowers are already a foot high, we'll have a colourful plot even if we have nothing to eat !!!