Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Day

Today we went to 'Pumpkin Day' at Ryton Gardens with our good friends Matthew, Sara, Lottie and Amelia.

They had a few things going on such as cooking demonstrations, some beardy bloke talking about gourds, barn owls, creepy crawlies and stuff for the kids. It was a bit cold but we had a really nice day all in all and the gardens were really quite inspiring.
I even snook into the orchard and picked a 'sunset' apple. It was delicious, I wasn't sure you were supposed to help yourself, and stealing is never a particularly good example to set the children, but they had loads of them, so I decided that they wouldn't miss the odd one. Anyway I did my bit by putting the core in one of the compost heaps.

We're still enjoying our peas...

Latest Update...

Sorry it's been so long since our last update....

Well, the courgettes are finally gone, but we still have a load we blanched and put in the freezer!

Our carrots are coming along great, we've had a few dinners already and there's loads left to come, our beets and turnips are growing fast too so hopefully it won't be long before we'll be getting stuck in. The radish are still coming, but to be honest we don't seem to be able to eat many of them at a time, they're tasty, but if you eat too much you pay for it later!!!
I've started clearing the top of the plot, hopefully I can get most of it cleared and dug over during the winter ready for the off in spring. Yesterday though I managed to snap a pair of shears on the brambles!!! I think it's going to be hard work!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tonights haul....

Not exactly farming on an industrial scale but this is the start of our October glut....

The highlight tonight was eating our own celery for the first time. Big thanks go to our neighbours who donated the plants to us 3 months ago!!! Before we started I didn't even like celery or radish and now I can't get enough!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The first radish of our crop has been devoured!!!

I'm not even sure why we started growing them because I don't even like them, but these 'inside out' Chinese variety are delicious. Can't wait to pull some more out!!!